
The Heroic Boldness of Martin Luther by Steve Lawson Il coraggio eroico di Martin Lutero (Italian Translation)

The Heroic Boldness of Martin Luther by Steve Lawson Il coraggio eroico di Martin Lutero (Italian Translation)

The Heroic Boldness of Martin Luther by Steve Lawson Il coraggio eroico di Martin Lutero (Italian Translation)

Lastly this month, we are so grateful at ITA to have contributed to Reformation history and celebrations with respect to Italy by translating and publishing through our Italian partners (publishing house: Alfa & Omega) Steve Lawson’s biography of Luther into the Italian language. Perhaps one of the most exciting things about this publication beyond the great biography itself as written by Lawson is the dedication inside the first pages of the book.

Questo libro è dedicato alla generazione contemporanea di espositori italiani della Bibbia, studenti dell’Accademia Teologica Italiana (ATI). La diligenza di questi operai approvati che tagliano rettamente la Parola della verità possa produrre la riforma che l’Italia non ha mai conosciuto.

Steven J. Lawson

This book is dedicated to the contemporary generation of italian expositors of the Bible, students of the Italian Theological Academy (ITA). May the diligence of these approved workmen who cut the Word of truth accurately produce the reformation that Italy never knew.

Steven J. Lawson


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